Energy Savings With Honeywell Heaters.

On heat savings, Honeywell technology has the edge.

Lower Your Heating Bills with a Honeywell Heater.


By using a Honeywell portable heater to heat the room you’re in — as opposed to heating your whole house and turning down the thermostat a few degrees, you can save up to hundreds in heating costs per year. Portable heaters are a smart and easy way to reduce your heating bills. But when you choose the Honeywell brand, you’ll save even more.

EnergySmart® Technology – Conserve and Save without sacrificing Warmth.

EnergySmart® Technology will automatically regulate power consumption to save energy and indicate usage – all while maintaining your desired comfort level.

Simply set your preferred temperature and the EnergySmart® Control will automatically regulate power consumption to save energy – all while maintaining your desired comfort level . It also features an Energy Usage Indicator which displays amount of energy used during operation.

  • Read the manufacturer’s instructions and warning labels before using any portable electric heater.
  • DO NOT leave operating heater unattended and always unplug heater when not in use.
  • DO NOT use your heater with a power strip or extension cord. Overheating of a power strip or extension cord could result in a fire.
  • String out cords on top of area rugs or carpeting. Placing anything, including furniture, on top of the cord may damage it.
  • Keep combustible materials, such as furniture, pillows, bedding, papers, clothes and curtains at least three feet from all sides of the heater. DO NOT block heater’s air intake or exhaust source.